Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama Pushes for More Aid to Community Colleges

Time article published a story on July 15th about President Obama's attempts to increase funding in community colleges. He seeks to boost the funding from $1.9 billion in 2006 to $12 billion in the next decade. According to Obama, community colleges are "one of America's underappreciated assets." Community colleges are undergoing hardship as states cut their budgets. As a result, they had to let go of faculty or cap enrollment effectively. With the increased funds from Obama's proposal, many programs would be created to help improve student education, track progress, and train workers. Also, the programs would promote community college students to successfully obtain a degree. Also, online classes would be made free if this actually happens. Most of us attend community colleges whether it is for summer school or for the whole year. If any changes in community colleges are made, we should certainly know what changes have or will be made.

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